As if Jay Cutler, quarterback for the Chicago Bears, did not have enough pressure on his shoulders. He can add 7 lbs 9oz more with the addition of his new son. Camden Jack Cutler was born August 8, 2012. His fiance, Kristin Cavallari, famous for doing multiple reality shows including The Hills and Laguna Beach, tweeted the good news and said that everyone is doing well. So is this the only one for the couple? Not if Kristin has it her way. “We were talking about the possibility of having another kid right away and then getting married so we can have two kids close in age,” Kristin recently told Glamoholic. “We want four kids, so we’re thinking maybe have one more, then get married, then have two more. But we’ll see — it all depends on how the first one goes.” Congratulations to the new parents!! Luckily, the quarterback got to sit out the first game since he is probably not getting as much rest as needed.